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Autumn - The Perfect Time for Reflection

As the days become shorter and the mornings and evenings have a slight chill in the air, it gives us the opportunity to reflect on what is ready to 'harvest'; what you have achieved and do a stocktake of what has occurred over the last few seasons.

Autumn is a time for reflection. Why not do an analysis on the success of ideas and projects you put into place last year. Did the seeds you sowed bring you the bounty you desired? What do you notice about those that didn't quite go to plan? Any patterns or similarities show up?

Taking inventory of what worked and what needs tweaking to create better outcomes will open you to inspirational energy. Then use the cooler months of winter to contemplate, nurture and develop new plans.

Winter is the ideal time to bring in our focus, to centre our energies, snuggle into a warm, secluded space and to plan and prepare for action in the spring.

Wishing you an enlightening period of self-assessment and inner growth.


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